
4天前—Tomaketheactivewindowalwaysontop,pressCtrl+Spacebar(orthekeyboardshortcutyouassigned).Pressthekeyboardshortcutagainto ...,2023年5月15日—Tomakeawindowalwaysontop,installandlaunchMicrosoftPowerToys.PressWindows+Ctrl+Ttomakethecurrentwindowalwaysontop.Ablue ...,Version2.0.0(2022-07-24)**ThisversionandnewersupportPConly**-UpdatewebenginetoChromiumbasedWebView2-Windows11visualstyle,2023年5月2...

3 Ways to Keep a Window Always on Top on Windows 10

4 天前 — To make the active window always on top, press Ctrl + Spacebar (or the keyboard shortcut you assigned). Press the keyboard shortcut again to ...

5 Ways to Make a Window Always-on

2023年5月15日 — To make a window always on top, install and launch Microsoft PowerToys. Press Windows+Ctrl+T to make the current window always on top. A blue ...

Always on Top

Version 2.0.0 (2022-07-24) ** This version and newer support PC only ** - Update web engine to Chromium based WebView2 - Windows 11 visual style

How To Keep a Window Always On Top in Windows 10

2023年5月23日 — To place a window on top of other windows, select it and press the hotkey combination Ctrl + Space. To undo a window on top, select it and press ...

How to pin apps in front of your Windows workspace

2023年10月24日 — On the left sidebar, click Always on Top to configure it. By default, you'll be able to trigger the feature by using the keyboard shortcut ...

Keep a Window Always On Top

2020年11月30日 — His name is Always on top, does not require installation, just run and in the window you want to keep visible, always press Ctrl + Space. To ...

PowerToys Always On Top utility for Windows

2023年12月20日 — When you activate Always On Top (default: ⊞ Win + Ctrl + T ), the utility pins the active window above all other windows. The pinned window ...

TurboTop 2.7 多視窗最上層管理工具

TurboTop 2.7 多視窗最上層管理工具
